Free Downloadable Resources
These resources are available free to anyone, but if passed on, please acknowledge the original sources.
If you find these resources useful, a donation to “Kodaly abroad” would be much appreciated. This project is set up to help spread this approach to music teaching to other countries. Your donation, no matter how small, are gratefully received and will make a real difference.
Donations by bank transfer to: Account Name: Kodaly Abroad Sort Code 04-00-03 Account Number 44978089
Graphic Scores
The resources in this section contain a song with a graphic score, heart beat cards and the appropriate rhythm flash cards. There are instructions for a six-step progression leading to the reading of the basic rhythmic elements of the song (Ta, Ti-ti, Sh etc.). There are also suggestion for activities to do with each song.
Rhythm Flashcards
In this section a pair of quavers is called “Ti-ti” Some teachers prefer to use “Te-te”. Either version is perfectly acceptable.
These flash cards can be used as a basic teaching resource and also to make the rhythms of a great deal of well know music. Card 9 can be used to produce Cobbler Cobbler, cards 1 and 29 can be used to make Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and cards 97 and 98 can be used to make the main theme to Peter and the Wolf. There are many other combinations.
To make these flash cards more durable trim about 2 cm (¾ inch) off the bottom and then split in half horizontally. Each pair of flash cards should then fit into an A4 laminate pouch.
Free Resources from other Kodàly Sites
The Kodàly Hub
This contains over 1,000 songs and other items for music education. Material is organised in a searchable database using 21 criteria including pitch content, rhythmic content, age suitability, song type and more. The songs are from around the world and are in various languages. This collection continues to be expanded.
Holy Names University Song Collection
This contains over 600 songs in a searchable database. Each song is analysed for its content using 16 different criteria including pitch content, rhythmic content, age suitability, song type and more. As this is USA based songs appear to be English or Spanish language based.